I'm slowly gaining control over dreams. Especially using and utilizing abilities. Flying has turned into one of the most used ones. No matter the theme of dream (except terror), I can use it, though not instantly. Takes time to get the feeling.
While talking about dreams, I remember some, that i'd like to note down.
In a world quite similar to our own, I met a lady in about 30's. She was able to freely use PK. I asked how she does it and she answered that "you relax and empty your mind, then focus on the object until it 'clicks', then manipulate it". I'm unsure to what she was referring to. Bio-field? State of mind? *shrugs*
Flying-related dreams
Well, for one, I got a good understanding on how my village looks from above. It was awesome :P
And I one dream, i was thirsty, so i tried to get something to drink from one of those dispenser machines. Then a guy comes to shoo me away.
In today's dream, there was some show-type of thingy going on. I was just observing from the back row by levitating. :D
The other thing I've been trying to do is "collide" dream world with reality. Kind of like a state of mind where you exhibit full capabilities of dream world. For example, visualization. The clarity you have in a dream and the ability to instantly create things. It would be extremely useful with art, music etc.
Just yesterday, after waking and going back to sleep, I saw an extremely detailed image of a nekomimi (catgirl). I mean on a level of a professional artist, who has had years of experience with manga. However when I tried to recreate it, I had forgotten most about it.