

So, what's this page yapping about?

Hmm... Well, you could say experimenting and theorising various subjects, that are usually not talked about.
(If you didn't get that, i meant Spiritual subject, mysterious tales and all that other spooky and impossible stuff!)

Why should I read this?

You don't. That's the whole point. If you want to learn about things you usually are beaten down with a rock, come join us. :P

I'm still not convinced. Care to shine a little light?

We talk about various subjects like how to create a Philosopher's Stone, how to learn kundalini, pranayama and other meditations, learning to use your full potential (From psychokinesis to OBE's etc.), talking about mystical tales and of UFO's (aliens... and other entities).
Lots of more.

How fast does this Blog update?

Ugh... darn. Good question.
To tell the truth, it's irregular. Posts come and go depending on what is the current subject.
So, there's no certain time when a new post is posted.

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