
Thursday, May 17, 2012

I'm kinda furious. PK doesn't work but i constantly keep electronics, just like 2 days before my monitor started changing brightness. That was a serious wtf moment for me. My geisting source seems to be frustration, anger, and sadness. Aka negative energy.

Still in search for missing part of PK.

Lately i have wanted to get hit by lightning. It can't kill me, i don't know why. I just know that it can't.

"The universe is full of answers. You just have to find them."  said by my mom, in a dream. A lucid dream. Before that i said:"Hold on, if we are dreaming, we should remember it." But i still haven't asked.

It's funny that every time i listen to some good songs, it creates geisting events.

Amnesia custom stories don't scare me anymore for some reason.

For some reason i think i'm not human. I'm something different. I see myself usually as demon. A good one. I want death for some people, but usually i intend to help people.Tho sense something very dark within me.


  1. You could hug the darkness with love and brightness. ;)

    By hugging the satan goat inside me, the darkness inside of me dissolved. Also, lots of pictures of happy goats smiling started popping up everywhere I went.

    For me, geisting tends to occur whenever I have a strong emotion that I don't suppress. Frustration, anger, sadness and good songs often triggers this.

    The display of this particular laptop also changes brightness randomly. I thought it was some sort of an algorithm to enhance picture quality that occasionally failed.

    Haven't felt that about lightning, but somehow I feel I can't fall. By standing on the edge of a cliff, I would feel confident in flying away. The fear of heights and falling has somehow disappeared

    I don't feel too human either. One day I'll fly out of this sandbox and help other friends out there =).

    By the way, have you seen "The Secret of Kells"? The essence of the film represents some important aspects in TK, in my opinion.

  2. Indeed, but for some reason, i like darkness. I don't mean that as negative.

    Haha, flying would be awesome. It's as awareness decides your fate :P.

    And no, i haven't seen "The Secret of Kells". I'll check it out.

    Don't you happen to experience memory failure or something similar at the moment? Because last days i've been forgetting things. Feeling unaware.

    1. Also, sometimes buildings feel small enough to jump over. Would be awesome to focus more on levitation training.

      Yeah, but I guess that's okay while in service. I hope it doesn't take too long to recover and infiltrate back into civil life.

  3. Well nice blog ;D Dont feel alone, i also think im kinda like not human, although when my dark energy comes in i only feel hate and death, but that might be since im gothic? I really dunno.. Once again, awesome blog!
