
Thursday, November 27, 2014


Something worth noting.

Yesterday, I went to sleep at 16:00... I was pretty tired. Slept, saw some dreams - all normal. Woke up at 23:00 where i felt the urge to check my mail, to see if I had got a reply from a certain person. No reply. Little time passes by wondering random stuff. Back to sleep it was.

I remember it taking place at home. Not sure what was the scenario, but it was fairly casual. Something caused a wave in my consciousness, which triggered an OBE. I was still somewhat scared what will happen next, but the state broke and I returned to dream. Curious as I was, I re-attempted. Success, yet nothing happened. A lot of noise, of to which quickly adapted. The state broke again. This time, with cofidense, I jumped back into it. Like previous, it also broke. I tried again and again and again, and at one point, I couldn't tell the difference between if I were in that state or not. If it was reality or not. Out of curiousity, I attempt to erase my consciousness fully. "I do not exist, and I, am merged with everything". As i go for it, it goes so far so quickly, I nearly feel loss of my consciousness. The thought scared me, and I quickly escaped that state.
I woke up due to it. So many things going through my mind, that i'm unable to go back into this strange 'OBE' state.

At the morning, I felt much more aware, as i would usually. The times i jumped back into this state was around 15 (without strangely breaking the dream cycle).

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting..

    Once in an OBE, my friend Hyena started to question if he was alive. He almost realized his life had been an illusion from the start. He also stopped. Probably wouldn't have the story otherwise .. :)

    It seems that with enough intensity, one can realize (becoming aware, learning, manifesting, materializing - probably the same thing) anything they focus on.
