
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Testing others

I was in the usual deep thoughts mode (what usually has people thinking i'm depressed or angry), zipping some coffee and staring at some random point at the kitchen.
My mom comes and tries to have me talk. At first, i didn't want to talk because i was quite sure that she would not understand the subject. She kept prying and i decided to let her in on a little bit.
I distracted her from what had to do with me. I explained how memories and senses work. I decided to ask her this:"Try imagining a color outside known spectrum." She instantly claimed it impossible. I explained, that what you know as color, doesn't have to be a color. For example, they can be in an another form of visual phenomena (lines, shapes etc.) or senses. She didn't quite understand and said:"How is that a color then?" i didn't reply but i thought "It's just how your mind translates it". I took the most simple example: seeing etheric body and auras.
I told her to look at her hand. She had a tiny bit problem seeing at first, i showed where to look, and said that she saw when she closed one of the eyes. "Yellow, is it?", she claimed. It was orange yellow. I wanted to say:"If you see what's not visible, then why claim possible impossible?". Moment later, we were interrupted by my dad and i want nothing to do with him. Skeptics are annoying... they force on their own beliefs onto someone else (not that all of them are like that).


2 (Maybe more?) days ago i created an entity. Gave it a form, teached it various things, linked it to myself (just that it can learn things off of me. Feelings, thoughts etc. Also, for it to get energy out of somewhere.). I didn't take it quite seriously, but for some reason, it still lingers in my mind. I wonder if that means it was a success. It would be awesome to have someone next to me, in a ghostly form (so others see too).
Yup... it would be awesome to have a companion like that.


  1. "it would be awesome to have a companion like that. "

    To me it seems that the dream in your next post is an answer to this. Having such a companion would not help in finding what truly matters.

    1. I don't think so. I think the answer was more of a response from subconscious... "you'll never find someone like that". And what "truly" matters? I don't exactly have such thing.
