
Thursday, June 18, 2015

Update of 18.06.2015

(Takes a deep breath) Helped someone, became friends, then really started to trust each other, both of us are shy and shared how our voices sound like (through a video). Even that made my heart feel like exploding. I can watch someone die right in front of my eyes and that was more nerve-wracking to me. And now she wants to play games with me. I don't know what to do. I haven't spoken to a female since childhood. Good god. Haven't ever felt this nervous before.

I'm developing some weird reaction towards light. The brighter it is, the more hazed my mind gets. It's as if I can't think then. Maybe i'm becoming a vampire. I sleep pretty long too. Well, that's a plus for me.

Nights have gone fairly sleepless. Had some usual random dreams.

Oh boy. This is gonna be awkward.

1 comment:

  1. Flee while you still can! :D
    No, seriously, I'm in roughly the same boots.

    A couple of days ago I also noticed something similar while coming back from the gym. Bright reflections were oversaturated and blurred. This lasted for slightly less than 10 minutes.
