
Saturday, July 11, 2015

Update of 11.07.2015

Ugh, finally that stupid day is over.

More tests.
Seems sensors give somewhat false info while heavily on use. Then again, wouldn't surprise me if they actually gave the correct either.

CPU standby (~10% CPU usage) temps: 32-36C
CPU standby with external cooling: 27 - 30C
CPU usage at max: peaked at 50C, dropped to 42C
CPU usage at max with external cooling: Also peaked 50C, but dropped immediately to 35C (later to 30C).

Well, I guess this is as far as you go with DIY cooler. Least it doesn't set your hands on fire anymore :P
(not like you'd get dry ice and alcohol here anyways. Otherwise could use that as some sort of a coolant? Get a square aquarium and submerge the whole damn thing in there xD *shrugs*)

As far as dreams go... they've been fairly boring. Certain things here there, but nothing worth actually writing down.

OBE is a no-no. It just doesn't want to work. -.-

Oh well. Sleepy time now.

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