
Friday, December 16, 2011

Why can't people just leave me alone?

I don't get it why, but people always annoy me. They are full of crap and their perspective of the world is stupid. Ignorance. This doesn't apply to those who actually believe in PK, Chi or anything else. Because they already know a little of the Truth.
Today, at school, half of the class turned against me just because i was wearing a hood. Which i do most of the time, because i don't want to show my identity. Anyways, then the teacher turned against me too. And somehow secretary managed to come in to and she also sided with others. I got angrier by the second. I could feel the energy building up in me. I was literally radiating energy. My anger continued to build, and so did my energy. From the corner of the eye i could see the computer screen getting more colorful and static. And then came the point where i couldn't take it anymore. All of the energy released momentarily, causing the electricity to go off for couple of seconds.

People are different. They should get used to it.

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