
Friday, April 24, 2015

Update of 24.04.2015

So. The story so far.
My original goal: Clarity. Still yet to make it to that point. Well, least i've made some progress.
I find it funny, that when I sing, there's sometimes this "explosion" of emotions. Like a different personality. Especially with negative emotions (as in when I can't do vibrato for no f*cking reason).

P.S. -- All songs are sung how I remembered them. No lyrics.

A few interesting thoughts I had yesterday. "It's not that I hate living, rather the opposite. My expectations of life are so high, and difficult to meet, which causes disappointment. Ironically, the same force strives me forth."

Other is the same. Weird dreams. Good dreams. Sad dreams. Eh. No OBE's. A potential sleep walk, though. Apparently I had stood in the middle of the living room yesterday night. Can't quite recall doing anything of sorts. But my memory as it is.

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