
Monday, November 25, 2013

Star gazing, once again.

I've been star gazing since childhood. Whenever no one understood me or i just wanted to be alone, i looked up. Whenever i look at them, it makes me sad, as if i'm completely alone in the universe... as if no one ever has existed, as if i'm just a pointless entity, that can't figure out his existence.

I guess you could say, that i'm subconsciously wishing, that something would happen, something, that would change my life would change. I do not want what majority of people want. I have no use for money, power or other stuff like that. What i want, is to go on an adventure. Something, that would will my heart up.
A part of me says "it will never happen", while the other "there's infinite possibilities out there, you can't just rule it out!". 

All that i am, is just two opposing natures.

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