
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Dream log: Tons of dreams

I counted the dreams i saw. 10. Later ones were difficult to memorize since i had forced myself back to that state for quite many times.

The most memorable ones were where i went to wrestling which took place in an environment, where i have never been to. It's a non important dream.

What i do want to talk about, is a dream about PK.

From the point i remember:
I am sitting behind a computer desk. In front of me, i have a wooden, round cylinder. From the top, expands a metal '+' which is connected to a circle. From the circle, there are hanging metal needles. On the desk, below the wooden cylinder, there's a circular coil. That coil is connected to computer. In addition to it, there's somewhere a sensor which senses the PK. These waves go to PC and are processed, then converted into different resonant patterns which allow you to move the needles to your wanting. This was invented to help people develop PK abilities easier (not sure by whom).

Edit: Something like this.

Edit 2: Here, i modeled something like that.

Later on, outside, i move some stuff. Then my parents say something that catches my mind:"It's your destiny to master these abilities"... i said nothing. There is no such thing as mastering. Ignoring that, i attempted to fly (failing multiple times), i felt myself getting lighter and jumped slightly. I jumped 2 floors high building, then hanging by the roof. Then i got used to it and could fly. And then my dream went all nutty and decided that 'i am in another world'. The world had these spots that were really colorful. Literally, levitating colors. I flew there but i got really dizzy. Then out of nowhere, a voice says "They use colors as a disguise to drain your energy". Now thinking about it, the first thing that came to my head was all that "love and peace" stuff. Then again, who knows.

And then i woke up later since my mom decided to come check if I'm alive (i had been sleeping for 17 hours. From 22:00 to 15:00).

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