
Friday, January 3, 2014

A long night of retrials

I managed to partially pull off an OBE. It took many hours, but it's ok since i went to sleep since i got home (around 5 pm). Most of them were just sleepless hours, but i'm glad i made progress.

It happened again. I lost all control over my body. It felt as something "sucked" me into that state. I got a bit scared since i thought i might meet aliens (lol). Quickly erased that thought and then thought:"What should i do then?? Oh, i'll search for Sussch's uncle!". Then i'm not sure what happened. When i tried to gain sight of where i am, i just couldn't, and the thought of calling him just didn't come to my mind. All i could hear, was this sound of a engine. It got louder and louder, until i nearly woke up. I thought "Well, i guess i cannot do this... how about i visit someone from my imagination?". Same result. Wonder why?

I woke up since i was sleeping on the side. It was hurting a bit.
I attempted to re-enter that state.I failed. But i do remember something... partially. "Time is inrelative". I cannot quite understand what that means. I do know Einstein's famous quote that he claims time to be relative, but who and why did someone say this?

The whole night since 1am past by tryiing again. "Body fall asleep, erase thoughts, remain awake." "When connection to body is nearly lost, raise awareness to mind body."

I did see a cool random dream about pk too in the morning too, but it's nothing worth writing about.

Edit (16:13): I remember a weird sensation in my leg too. The leg was like getting electrocuted... that kind of twitchy feeling.

Also, i remembered another dream i had.

Wanted to also write that i had been experiencing light pulsing in the dark. I mean like when you watch one of thouse old CRT monitors and you see the refresh rate. I'd say it's around 60 hertz. Didn't find no android tool to recreate the effect.
Meanwhile the effect lasted, there was a moving shadow (which made me go "Oh hell naw!" :P )

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