
Saturday, June 14, 2014

Update of 14.06.2014

I was pretty mad (in a sense of anger, not sanity) yesterday. Pissed off at this useless reality. Everytime i try something, there's someone better, which renders me useless. *Sighs*.

Dream log:

Nuclear mind explosion?!!

It was a strange, but interesting dream. It started off at night, at home. We had some guests over so i was acting as usually, excluded from everyone. Since i had nothing to do, i took a look at the sky. What i begun to see was strange. Slowly, i begun to see all kinds of drawings and writing in the sky. They were made by people. You could literally witness things appear in the sky. They were in reddish color. Something caught my eye. It talked about a nuclear explosion (very close to my location). Not a normal nuclear explosion, either. A concentrated form of energy. As much as i could read, it described something about a secret organization which "collected" people with high powers (why does this sound do similar to a dream i had a while ago?). I couldn't read anything else -- I started to hear this "siren" (rapid formation of energy, perhaps?). I quickly hid behind the couch, away from the windows. A little while later, A huge blast. It blew the windows apart, not to mention the sound (i had experienced such dreams many times, so i knew what to do).
A while later, outside, it was daytime. I went around telling, that the next one will be in 5 hours (at night again).

In search of gold

It was fairly short dream. The environment was again unknown to me, but reminded me of 'Peipsi' (yet it wasn't anywhere near it. The landscape was completely different). I wonder around to find some rivers. I go through the woods and find a small, rotted dog corpse (around 1 week at most). Decided to leave as it was.
Once i came across some rivers, i immediately begun to search near the banks where the flow was fairly strong and making 'U' kinda turn. Not much later, i did find... lots. Others whom i was with came to search as well.
After we had enough, we decided to go look around other places. One of the people sees something: A blue red flashes. When we go to investigate, we see a motorboat. A rescue one. A child had drown due to a duck attacking her (in a form of defense). Child's dad right near there, threw a rock at the duck. One of who was with us comments:"Some people have absolutely no intelligence. Her child drowns, yet continues to do retarded moves...".

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