
Sunday, June 1, 2014

Let the new ORMUS tests commence!

First results! My theory (shaleoil -> ORMUS) seems to have produced ORMUS-like ... *stuff*. I'm still waiting for it to settle down for 2-nd wash.
I have a question, though. This will be directed at Sussch, of course. :D

1. If you made ORMUS, did your's look kinda cloudy as well? I got the same result this and last year:


The bottom layer seems to be much whiter than the layer above it. Probably impurities.

1 comment:

  1. Cool =)

    Although dad experimented with it and I didn't witness the process .. I understood it had indeed been cloudy at first. He washed it a lot with increasing concentrations and eventually there was barely anything left. Dunno, maybe he washed the important stuff out somehow? =D
