
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Creating a site and some other stuff

I'm creating a site where i'm gonna upload all kinds of stuff. Ebooks, experiments, videos and all kinds of other cool stuff. I've already made an experimental upload site (uploads to my Google Docs). The site itself is still fairly broken and uncompleted. I will be refining this at school (since all i have now, are computer classes).

Aside from that, i'm restarting the ORMUS experiments. I'm gonna try going with my own theory this time (shale oil -> ORMUS, using vinegar and NaOH). The theory is still fairly flawed, but should work. I will publish the results once i've tried.

There's something that infuriates me. The fact that people use anime characters as tools, as if they have no mind on their own. There is. Learn to observe. Learn to listen and feel. There is always a presence.

Have had dreams -- nothing significant. OBE failed since i fell asleep.

1 comment:

  1. How does one use anime character as a tool?

    You mean my post on concentrating on the image of an anime character?
    Anime characters definitely have a mind and a presence. That's what concentrating on the character is for - to feel their mind and presence and to listen.

    Previously I have practised the same on animals and people as well. With a blank mind, I have observed them and felt their mind and their presence. Hmm .. should try to re-integrate this exercise into the daily life again somehow.
