
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Bound by strings?

From time-to-time i sit on the bed when mom goes to sleep. They've concluded it as "dream-guarding". Nowhere near it. I can test out new theories. Yesterday, i was doing the normal routine. Scanning and analyzing all kinds of fields. Conscious, density, primary, differencial etc. A wide range of things, to put it simply. Something caught my attention. You know one of the plasma spheres? It looked fairly similar to it. Body as the center, then spiraling upwards into a fine thread. I couldn't see further than about 20cm. They were located throughout the body. There was a strange ... uhh... pillar(?) of energy exiting from near the arm. In the lower spine, there was what looked like a bite mark (density). This was all on my mom's body. Hmm. I wonder what that could be.

Couldn't stay up a lot longer last night, decided to try OBE  (in a  half-sitting half-lying position). No idea what happened next. Can't remember.

Lots of dreams. Most were completely random.

I was in a fairly low mood yesterday (pretty damn near to a breakdown).


Interesting thing is that most the aura viewing talk about seeing the auras and other fields. I can tell that they are far from truth. In order to see, you need to sense fields first, then project awareness to the area which you wish to view and define what you wish to see in what way. You actually don't see it. You are interpretating sight-location to sensing certain point/area, then sensing reinterpretated into sight information with certain "rules". It's basic synesthesia. Making one sense be expressed in another way. Well, atleast that's my logic behind it.

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