
Sunday, July 13, 2014

Update of 13.07.2014

I keep getting occasional tinnitus. I was thinking of it being from blood-pressure (my normal is around 80/150, the point where other's get a headache), but no. I comes for a second, then it's gone. It's pitch is also different and it doesn't always ring in both ears. Time-span also seems fairly random (normally ranging from 2 sec to minutes).

Me, a classmate and graduate were playing SWAT 4 over skype yesterday. 4 hours and 46 minutes. It ended at morning around 4 o'clock. That's a lot of fours...

And sorry, Sussch, noticed your message when it was too late. "Hei" back to you too! :D

At noon...err--night (night = noon), i went and gathered some 'Marigold' (in Estonian: "saialill", it's fairly easy to spot them due to their color even in the dark) and attempted to make some sort of extract. Ground them up nicely and then poured vinegar with salt.*facepalm*. I used salt/vinegar mix to etch metal (2 bottles which are exactly the same shape, but different substances within them). Quickly poured alcohol onto it which somehow stopped the reaction (tested with baking soda -- no reaction). Still, i'm gonna give it multiple washes (with alcohol) and try to crystallize it.

Dreams are... normal, i guess. There's quite a bit going on, but i'm either too tired, or simply won't memorize them. So yeah, no dreams to write down.

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