
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Update of 31.07.2014

Finally, tomorrow i can be home alone. I can do things that i can't with other people nearby.

It rained. After who-knows-how-long. Now there's this "smokey" smell in air. Wonder if lightning struck somewhere nearby.

Tried playing with wind a little. Wasn't that great.

Lately, i've struck a stump. I feel so inferior. Whatever i may do, there's always someone that can do something that i cannot. It's infuriating. All i can do is draw things into air that last for few seconds (6 at most, at night, i can sustain a 'border' or outline of the object i imagine). I wanna be 'amazing' like others. I'm not asking to be greater than others, just enough to help...

Meditation. Silence: Sight, hearing, touch, sense, thought. Silence: Tiredness, emptiness. OBE = failed. Sleep length = 4 hours. Normal = 12 hours.

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