
Sunday, August 3, 2014

Dream log: I don't like falling...

I cannot remember the whole dream, just a climpse of it.

Starting from where I remember:
There was five of us. If I remember correctly, there was three males and two females. The environment, where it all took place was very dreamy/OBE-ish.
We were standing on a floating island and had to free fall from one to another. I crawl near the edge and look down.... crap. No visible bottom, all i could see was light (white-ness, above as well). I quickly crawl away from the edge, since i really hate the first part of falling (that feeling, after it, is fine). Everyone was like: "Hey, let's glide over to that island" and then two of them went. I was like "Nope. I haven't done this for ages!", yet i knew, if i don't do it, i'll be left behind. Another guy in a relaxed and high (higher than average males) pitched voice grabs my hand and says:" Don't worry. I used to hate it as well." and starts running while dragging me behind. I was like: "No... no.... I don't wanna..... Not again...", yet i did not reject it either. As we neared the edge, we jump. I tried my best not to close my eyes, yet still did.

And that's the end of the dream.

I hate falling. I really do. It's like a fobia from childhood (from times where all i had, were nightmares and falling dreams). It's not that i'm afraid of dying or heights, just that goddamn feeling.


Later, when watching 'Reporter' from Channel 2: Sky-diving. Mom: (Watches at me) "You'd probably do it, wouldn't you?" Me: " ... I already did ... In a dream ... It wasn't great at all ... ".

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