
Sunday, February 8, 2015

3D modeling: Humans -- never again.

Spent whole day remodeling and retopolising, UV mapping and rigging, and i got somewhat finished now (4:44).

So, the most annoying thing? Everything. You touch it, it goes up on flames. I though I did i fair job on rigging and retopo'ing, but it still has some annoying glitches in it.

For the base (the one I retopo'd), was a naked (well, duh. They all are) faceless female model. It's good it doesn't go straight into "indecent" category, since it obviously is missing ... well.... 'parts'. I ain't got time for stuff like that >.< .

Something that is REALLY annoying me, are those "scratches". I have no idea why they even happen. It shouldn't, but yet it is. Grr.

Though the skin shader came out really well, maybe too much gloss.

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