
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Dream log of 18.02.2015

Had an odd dream about being trying to get into my home. Just for counts, i don't like these sorts of dreams. I had had enough of 'things' trying to get me. Seriously through with that crap.

Something worth of noting, I guess:
I saw Sussch in a dream (well, not really "saw". Felt. After all, i can't remember people's faces, rather by how they feel). It was some sort of game. Shooter/survival one. I remember a beautiful forest near a lake. The sky was multi-colored. I even wanted to take a photo. The scenery reminded more of a painting (potentially inspired by Sussch's drawing?). He also spoke something about a university where he went to. Can't quite remember. The building looked rather large and hadn't been used for a long while. There were 2 more people with us, though I cannot quite remember them. One had somewhat of a grumpy tone, he also didn't like me (can't blame, haha). The other one seemed to be a friend of Sussch's.

That's pretty much all I can remember.
Also, got to keep in mind not to look at any kinds of patterns in real life. Those things seriously f*ck my mind up.

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