
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Feeling lifeless, seeing symbols, hallucinations...

I'm feeling lifeless again, i want to do something that can kill me. I need to overcome it. I want to jump to a ice cold water and meditate under water. Or stand in fire. I'm being imprisoned by reality again. I need to come close to death in order to be free of it.
I'm seeing symbols everywhere. One that i saw was like this.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Just drawing

Don't feel like doing PK. So i decided to draw. I will upload it too :)


You know one of those pressurized medicine thingies, that you spray to the mouth. I sprayed that to the air for no reason, and the cat reacted like i called him. Stra~nge....

Still trying to repair it in Photoshop... 

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A death

A friend of a person died. I shall not tell whose because I respect one's privacy. Wish i could have healed her in real life. Now i feel guilty.... Feeling so incapable. Making me feel that i don't want to heal anyone again, block myself out of this reality. Why do i even practice these abilities, if i can't do it right?
I believe if we could've healed her in real life, we could've save her. :(

Psychic cats? (Repost of ShirakOmegaX post)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Bored... and still sick.

Well, today at school we had some kind of Christmas thingy. Dancing, singing and all that... Everybody looked happy. But why? Just because they got to be at the center of the attention?

A person from the forum, called 'shy', it's like i know her. I mean like met in person. She seems so familiar, yet i can't remember where or when I've seen her. What a mystery :)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Sick... just a little bit. :)

Managed to get sick thanks to a psi-vampire. But the strange thing is that not only me was affected by it. Everyone at school was dead tired... coincidence?

Not much important else to tell...

Friday, December 16, 2011

Why can't people just leave me alone?

I don't get it why, but people always annoy me. They are full of crap and their perspective of the world is stupid. Ignorance. This doesn't apply to those who actually believe in PK, Chi or anything else. Because they already know a little of the Truth.
Today, at school, half of the class turned against me just because i was wearing a hood. Which i do most of the time, because i don't want to show my identity. Anyways, then the teacher turned against me too. And somehow secretary managed to come in to and she also sided with others. I got angrier by the second. I could feel the energy building up in me. I was literally radiating energy. My anger continued to build, and so did my energy. From the corner of the eye i could see the computer screen getting more colorful and static. And then came the point where i couldn't take it anymore. All of the energy released momentarily, causing the electricity to go off for couple of seconds.

People are different. They should get used to it.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Strange time... || Healing

Yeah, been going on for like years now. When i look at the clock it's like 23:32, 14:44 and so on.
Some people say it's angels (Sending messages). If they really are there, the hell are they making me look the clock? And why are they sitting there and not helping with my PK??

Been doing some healing lately. I'm making progress. I use two methods. One is a friend from the forum (called "shy"). She uses PK to push energy to persons' hurting spot, while imagining light push to the wound and the red pain coming.
Second would be using Chi. I ain't gonna explain, so I'll let the video explain :)

Friday, December 2, 2011

Hearing problems? High pinch sound?

Well, some people call it "tintus" or something. But it's so much different from what they have in YouTube. Higher.
At the forum, Blissful seems to have the same problem of hearing that.
People have been saying it's blood pressure, put it ain't, I'm sure.
Last year, i went to check my ears, and guess what they find out? This:


 I don't know how you people get along with your family, but mine is complete hell.
And this song explains how i feel.

Healing \ Heat shielding

Lately there has been going on a lot about healing in forum. So i gave it a shot. I tried on myself, and for my amazement, it actually worked. But after few tries, i didn't get any results anymore. I lost the sensation of energy projection. But still, i'm happy it worked a little. :)

I'm getting pretty good a heat shielding. I can already hold my hand above the flame for minutes. At some point it starts to hurt, then i like release a pulse that creates a field of coldness and repels heat. Lately anything to do with PK feels natural. But for some reason, i want to stop doing PK, but i just can't. It's part of my life already, and it can't be forgotten.