
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Curse this low self-esteem of mine

I cannot find something that interests me. What people usually find something interesting, it is when it goes past the limits of one's beliefs, but i just go like "Meh, normal.". Not to mention, even if i do something that i have never done, it feels normal. I don't get this good feeling out of it. it's like all of the experience is already locked behind somewhere. *Sighs*.

Music. Music, music, music. Seems to be the only thing that can keep my motivation up. Well, except for dreams.

2 days free. How wonderful. The week after next week (3.02) is free. Just great. I'm not being sarcastic or anything. I really do think it's great. And what's even greater, is that i can do whatever i want in computer lessons (since they never have anything new to teach. Teachers have tried to catch me off guard, they've failed. Every one of them. So they don't bother me lol. Blenderin' full week next week. Yay, lol.)

Ugh. Cannot remember any dreams. I took a nap from 19:00 to 22:00. Nada. Then again, it's nice to, for once, just rest.

Been watching Bleach. I think the 'spirit threads' was pretty interesting concept. Visualizing energy, filtrating out one's energy and following it.

Not more much to write. Another worthless post by me. Oh well.

1 comment:

  1. Definitely not worthless. I enjoy reading every one of them.
    I keep checking the dashboard several times a day, just to find new posts on this blog :)

    Flying around and through buildings, teleporting, stitching space-time with portals, creating objects with one's mind .. these still seem beyond normal for me. Would be pretty awsum.

    Concentration practice is pretty cool too.
