
Monday, July 28, 2014

Dejavu of 28.07.2014

A storm is coming soon. Should prepare.

I'm programming a mindset into my subconscious. "Start dream / End dream". Anything between that region will be a dream, which means, i will be able easily identify if it's reality or not. Before sleeping, i would keep reminding myself "All following is a dream" and when ends, well... "end"... "stop". I'm also hoping that in future i can reverse the effect ie. "Reality becoming a dream".

Lots of blog posts have gone unposted. Few dream logs too.

Can't play with friend yet, since he's laptop got a virus (i'm speaking as if it was biological, lol). He's not the sharpest knife in the drawer either... even with my guidance. Gonna have to leave it up to the graduate then. :/

Well, i got nothing else to say.

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