
Friday, July 18, 2014

Extra day? Why not.

Me, classmate and a graduate play games over a day (that is, usually Monday, Wednesday and Friday). On other days i play guitar.
I have clear memory of following: Game (monday), guitar (tuesday), game (wednesday), guitar (thursday) and game (friday). Apparently yesterday was Thursday. I have no idea how. It's like i somehow pulled out an extra day from a pocket! Well, everything went well anyways. We played yesterday since classmate goes to some sort of religion camp of sorts... *shrugs*. No idea for how long, so most of my schedule is replaced by "voice training". I hate my voice, especially the part that i cannot think and speak at the same time.
Will start playing lots of games and do commentary. I know it will come out bad, but all for the sake of progress (will most likely be in english).
I wish i could speak how i write. -.-

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