
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Update of 8.07.2014

Been a while since i posted anything. Mainly, because i end up going to sleep at 4 am (in the morning).

Have had tons of dreams. Nothing remarkable to write down.
I've been feeling kinda heavy. Not in a physical sense. There's confusion in my heart again. No idea, what's causing it.

Decided to meditate over a long time. It somehow felt really long to me... checked the clock -- It's only been 15 minutes. Went on for about 5 minutes, decided to stop, since i lost concentration.

After it, watched an interesting anime called "Mushishi" ("Mushi" meaning "bug" in literal translation, but in that context, it's often referred to as an "ethereal/primitive being". "Shi" meaning "master/expert").

It has pretty interesting concept behind it, and so far, no fighting scenes (at 7-th episode, there are around 26 + a follow up (zoku shou)?.... haven't got that far yet).

It speaks of entities and of the people who counter them. Some of them gain abilities, others lose. How people behave after having dealt with them.

In no means, it doesn't seem like an aggressive type of anime -- in fact, it has pretty pretty drawing style (especially how detailed the background is). It makes you feel soothed.

1 comment:

  1. Cool, thanks for sharing. It shall be on my list.
