
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Conquer fears, get more of them.

It's the second day I've experienced some nightmares with purpose.
Yesterday, i remember "hugging" the ground out of fear. The damn stairs to second floor still are the scariest things to me. I somewhat wanted to conquer fears, so what the hell (even tho I've at most got to sleep for 4 hours, that is today and yesterday).
Today, i remember walking blindly in the dark, trying to get home on purely on instinct. I did succeed, yet again. Those. Damn. Stairs.

Also, after waking tons of times from nightmares, i remember seeing a certain pattern on vision. It was something like "S" and eye like. Also, a pattern consisting in 2 equal stripes and alternating in 1.

Have been making myself a joke because i keep reading things wrong. Things change right before my eyes. In Estonian class, i was asked to put commas in correct places. I managed to mistake "America" for "Africa". Numbers also have changed. 4 -> 3,  7. 3 -> 9, 2. and so on. I can easily read things from far away. Guess someone's messin' with me.

Also, today, things have managed to disappear and re-appear without me finding it. I usually carry ear puds (headphones), in my pocket. Wanted to listen to music while doing a test on Java scripting. One of the puds was gone. Turned the pocket inside out, nothing. At home, checked it again, nothing. Now checked AGAIN, and there it was. I clearly couldn't miss it twice (i checked thoroughly!), without it falling out, so how the hell?

1 comment:

  1. Are the stairs at a sharp angle? Or just old and creepy?

    On ear buds:
    :) So very familiar.
