
Saturday, October 5, 2013

Weird dreams, once again.

Today's dreams i had were completely negative. They were somewhat answers to my problems. I cannot quite remember them. It needs some sort of trigger. Either way, what seems weird to me now, is why i didn't quit them. I just went through with them like nothing.

Other than that, there have been some weird phenomena going on, that i wanted to write about.

On thursday, 5-th lessons end (business processes), we were supposed to write our opinions on LEAN and Six sigma. I was already finished with it. I noticed how the sun light vibrated (literally). It went lighter and darker rapidly like one of those old CRT TV's. The other's didn't seem to notice even when they looked at it directly. No idea why.

Further into the lesson, i was training auric sight, PK and telepathy. Noticed an entity go to a back room, door slightly moved.

Went to Rakvere yesterday. Some people were hungry so we decided to get something to eat and drink. I decided to take a coffee with a lot of sugar and milk. The coffee was terrible. It was only a small cup but i couldn't drink more than half of it... and even that by forcing myself. Later that backfired. My system was thrown upside down. Heart rate went down to 70 (Instead of rising, mine goes down), hands started freezing (they are ALWAYS cold, but never sense any negative sensation) and got chills all over my body. Also remember feeling really dizzy and nearly fell over in a hallway. Note to self: Never ever drink coffee from a shop again.

Mom went to a doctor, had tons of time.I was outside, practicing different kinds of sight abilities. Auric sight the most. The other's were: space & time distortions, radiation and sound. Oh, and telepathy again. There was a pigeon observing from a rooftop, i attempted to call it down. It flew away instead...

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