
Monday, December 30, 2013

Dream log: Deafened, wind slapping crows and a scary stalker

I better write these down before i forget.

Dream 1: Tanks...

The most memorable scene. I walk down a street. There's a crossroad. Pretty beautiful environment (it was summer, everything was green). I look to right... "That's odd, that really looks like a tank... oh shit! It is one!" (Loud bang, can't hear anything) a huge tree falls, i nearly dodge it. I hide into nearby bush near the fence of the road. It's turning... better cover my ears this time. (dream ends)

Dream 2: A crappy birthday party

It all starts with my mom wanting to get some wallpaper from a nearby store. She does buy some... only to use it on her shoes (no idea).
At home, i'm just sitting in my room, not wanting to do anything with the guests (i kinda hate crowds of people. I'm a bad host and cannot entertain others). More people come...especially who i don't know. A pair of girls give me a piece of paper and say:"I bet you can easily decypher this". I attempt to read, but cannot understand, so i throw it on a shelf and say "I can't right now... my head feels like exploding". I go to the kitchen, take a lighter, release some gas in my mouth and light it. Bang. Greeaaat.... i'm deaf again. So there i am, sitting in the living room with others, slowly regenerating my hearing. When i heard them talk about me, i laughed, replied something with a dead serious face and ran out the door (that's kind of a thing i would rarely do :D ).

Outside... bored. A hell of a wind goes past me and gives me an idea. I see a crow and decide to wind slap it down to earth (don't ask me why... i just wanted to hold one lol). Went to grab it... damn, that bastard keeps trying to bite me. Well, i never got to hold it and got bitten. Guess it serves me right.

Also, a weird part of the dream was that there were kittens everywhere.

Dream 3: How great. An immortal stalker with superpowers who wishes to kill everyone.

Funny thing, i got even backstory to her.
The place it takes off, is some sort of a cargo holding facility. There are various machines too.
We are running away from her. We try to stop her no matter what. I see a van de graaff generator and think that would surely immobilize her... nope. She somehow gets under a trendmill but still survives. She flies off the other end, having major bruises yet nothing. I hit her on the head with a piece of wood, then on the back of the neck... nothing. We decide to run. She was obviously after me, no idea why.
As others have run away, i am walking home on a dark rainy day. Suddenly, a lightning hits the ground far away. I knew it... it was her. As soon as i saw another lightning bolt hit the ground, i jumped up (since the ground was wet, and it was her intention to electrocute me). I decide, that i continue walking on wooden fences. Still safer than on ground.

(Wake up, force back to sleep)

I'm on a computer, researching her. There are  huge drawn faces on my wall. Her faces. They change. Quite creepy.
Suddenly, i'm in a memory of hers. I see an old man and her. It's snowy and snowing. Somewhere in the mountains. It was a skiing trip, i think. The old man says:"I cannot go on, i'm so tired. Just leave me here". The girl shakes her head, places hands on the man and gave her energy to him. The old man didn't live long. He died. The girl was crying.

The reason she tried to kill me was a test to see if i am immortal, so she wouldn't have to relive one of those memories.

Well, one thing is sure. It wasn't boring.

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