
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Broken hosting site?!

I was searching for free subdomains, but I found this:

It doesn't ask for payment credentials (meaning it can't send any checks or stuff), so it's technically a goldmine! Well, sure, until they fix it, but until then, it's great, isn't it?

Definitely worth checking out, until it becomes a major center of attention. Yarr'gh! ;)

Biology exam....

Biology Exam: Many mistakes.
The biology exam was harder than i expected. Not in a form of difficulty, but from the part, which i didn't see coming.
Also, just before i got to the genetics part, it was like someone did a 'format drive'. I f'd up that part so bad. Good thing that they don't only count equation answers.

Then there were 2 words: "divirgents" and "rugimendid". What the hell do those even mean? There exists no such word in my Estonian vocabulary. From those, i already lost half page worth (good thing they didn't give a lot of points).

Well, let's hope that i'm in range of '3'. I could pretty much write a copy/paste from the info i looked over yesterday.

Update: Biology succesfully passed! I did better than i had expected. Passing grade: " 4"!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Brief update: Snow?

Anyone ordered some snow?

Me approves! Snow = Good. :D

Dream log: "Ambrosia"

(Dream of 15.06.2014)

A fourth attempt at writing this amazing dream... i still cannot bring myself to publish it.

"Ambrosia" -- a word which meant nothing to me, until today.
   . . .

I'm in a city, which looks a lot like New York, yet the amount of people denies the fact. Barely anyone walks these brick-patterned streets. It's mid-day. The sun's high in the sky, cannot tell what day it is. If i had to guess, i would say it's Saturday or Sunday. I'm not doing anything specific, just standing in the shadow of a tall building.
Fast-forward -- I remember a part where i meet a girl with roller skates. Out of curiosity, i begin to question her:

(This actually happened in a telepathic/empathic fashion. It's like we imagined, that we were talking to each other, so in order to fully describe what we spoke of, i'm going to  try 'mimic' the conversation)

Me:"Umm, excuse me!" (since there was practically no one on the streets, it was fairly easy to catch her attention).
Girl:"Yes, what is it?"
Me:"I know this is a weird question, but... where am I?"
Girl:"(starts laughing), Silly! It's one of your own many realities!"
Me:"(confused)... wait a sec..... If this is my reality? Who are you? How can you be here?"
Girl:"That's easy. I am you, and you, are me."
Me:"... so you are saying, that we create each other?"
Girl:"Not quite. I am 'you' from another reality."
Me:"But if we are from different realities, shouldn't we be different? I mean, from other than gender..."
Girl:"But we are! ...and not. It's confusing, i know."
Me:"Ok, lemme recap-- Hold on. Does that mean you are currently dreaming too?"
Girl:" I've been dead for a long time now. The reason why we are capable of seeing each other, is because we want to see each other. You, and I, have created a link to all of those whom we wish to see -- Even, if you have never met, or will meet them."
Me:"So that explains why all the "dream people" have been female..."
Girl:"(snickers) ...ecchi..."
Me:"Hey! It's not because of that! It's this damn-- That's strange. I can't feel the pain of my heart here... Either way, you are misunderstanding!"
Girl:"It's OK. I can understand."
(brief pause)
Me:"So, will I be able to see you in later dreams?"
Girl:"As long as you want to."
Me:"...can i ask one more question?"
Girl:"Of course. I got nothing to do anyways."
Me:"Do you know anything about that pain (referring to the pain in chest)?"
Girl:"Not really, but if i were to take a random guess, perhaps someone inhabits it?"
Me:"...inhabits it?"
Girl:"(shrugs), it's a guess."
Me:"No, no! It's actually quite possible!"

The next thing i know, is that I'm looking at a surgery of someone's. A heart transplant? Someone connects a strange looking pump pipes to the heart's vessels and tells me to pump it to keep it alive. Odd.

The next thing i know, I'm at school. Sitting next to the same person whom i spoke to. I cannot remember anything of which i spoke to her about, just the fact, that i knew her. I ask of her where her sister is (somehow i knew her sister's name... 'Ambrosia'). She says that, she's on some sort of a photoshoot. I just say OK.
From the edges of the class, i can hear whispers:"He's so lucky. All seven of them, too...". "Seven?" I finally understood what they meant. Apparently, no one was capable of speaking to them due to them being "dragons in human form". If the "dragons" were to speak to them, they simply wouldn't be capable of understanding (not because it was difficult, it sounded so confusing to them). Also, for some reason, i knew the following:"I am connected to them. I am responsible". I also knew that i had some sort of "dragon" blood running through my veins which allowed to understand these "dragons", who were in human forms.
Later, at a PC, i try to write "ridiculous", but would always turn out differently. We laugh as we try different words, meanwhile i think:" Please... don't leave me".

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Update of 14.06.2014

I was pretty mad (in a sense of anger, not sanity) yesterday. Pissed off at this useless reality. Everytime i try something, there's someone better, which renders me useless. *Sighs*.

Dream log:

Nuclear mind explosion?!!

It was a strange, but interesting dream. It started off at night, at home. We had some guests over so i was acting as usually, excluded from everyone. Since i had nothing to do, i took a look at the sky. What i begun to see was strange. Slowly, i begun to see all kinds of drawings and writing in the sky. They were made by people. You could literally witness things appear in the sky. They were in reddish color. Something caught my eye. It talked about a nuclear explosion (very close to my location). Not a normal nuclear explosion, either. A concentrated form of energy. As much as i could read, it described something about a secret organization which "collected" people with high powers (why does this sound do similar to a dream i had a while ago?). I couldn't read anything else -- I started to hear this "siren" (rapid formation of energy, perhaps?). I quickly hid behind the couch, away from the windows. A little while later, A huge blast. It blew the windows apart, not to mention the sound (i had experienced such dreams many times, so i knew what to do).
A while later, outside, it was daytime. I went around telling, that the next one will be in 5 hours (at night again).

In search of gold

It was fairly short dream. The environment was again unknown to me, but reminded me of 'Peipsi' (yet it wasn't anywhere near it. The landscape was completely different). I wonder around to find some rivers. I go through the woods and find a small, rotted dog corpse (around 1 week at most). Decided to leave as it was.
Once i came across some rivers, i immediately begun to search near the banks where the flow was fairly strong and making 'U' kinda turn. Not much later, i did find... lots. Others whom i was with came to search as well.
After we had enough, we decided to go look around other places. One of the people sees something: A blue red flashes. When we go to investigate, we see a motorboat. A rescue one. A child had drown due to a duck attacking her (in a form of defense). Child's dad right near there, threw a rock at the duck. One of who was with us comments:"Some people have absolutely no intelligence. Her child drowns, yet continues to do retarded moves...".

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Update of 12.06.2014

Estonian exam: 4. Mistakes: Too difficult terminology. Could have seen that coming. Well, who cares. Passed. Now, all that is left, is biology.

The last lessons, i have been learning stuff in Codecademy. Completed HTML+CSS, AirBnB, started PHP, Java, jQuery, API and intendending to start Python.

Went to sleep early yesterday. Had a lot of dreams. I remembered 5 of them.

1 (!! Not enough Info to recall !!) -- Another goodbye

I cannot remember it, but it stood out from all others, so i can only remember what it feels like -- It feels like a goodbye. A goodbye where someone disappears.
I hate these goodbyes. They hurt too much.

2: I'm powerful!!

In the dream, i had the ability to learn other's abilities. Any power, anything. I could make a copy of it. Due to that, i became more powerful than anyone. I could make huge boulders into tiny pebbles (they were glowing red hot! Probably due to compression).

3: Gods' domain

It was actually a horror themed dream. I was theorizing and practicing on how to call them and how to get to where they are. The result was actually more frightening than i thought (since i was forcing them to come to my location, instead visiting them). I did make there, though. And i was pretty much instantly banished from it. It was sorta dark, moon-like place with old temples. Floating rocks and rivers... but dark. Straight after what i saw, i felt such anger as it felt like someone was pressing down on me, and i fell into a pitch black "well". Lol. This is actually pretty funny. I'm messing with "gods". Hahahaha! xD

4: Disappearance of a man

After getting banished from that place, i fell into another place. It was dark (possibly some sort of lower lever dimension of "it's"?). I turn to the left to see sandbox which is illuminated by a streetlight. In the sandbox, there are children digging something hurriedly up. I approach to see them digging up something that looks like a small, fist-sized box in Christmas wrapper. I begin to dig as well, yet find nothing. As i gave up, i noticed, that there's no one anywhere near me anymore. The kids had vanished, but it didn't quite feel like that was the case. It felt like they had gone home.
Right after, i am greeted by a female child in age of around 13-14. Despite her age, she is quite mentally mature, yet for what i see, there's grief behind her smile.
Girl: "Did you find anything?"
Me:"No... Do you happen to know what they were digging?"
Girl:"... sadly, no."
A quiet moment. A look at the sky... no stars. Just pitch blackness. My sight falls back to the girl whom is staring at the sky, as well. In her hands, there's a white blanket, she's grasping it fairly strongly, as if she were in pain. Her head falls in a tired fashion.
Girl:"... would you like to come in... for tea?"
Me:"If that's alright with you, then sure."

We go walk indoors. The house is about 4 rooms big. Kitchen with a table, which was connected to the door we came in. A few steps forward, to the left, there's a big living room. To the right, there's a big window, with one of those slide-able doors (japanese style). If you go straight ahead, there's bedroom with queen-sized bed. To the left, there's bathroom with a bathtub. I did not see them, but i could feel it.
As i step forward to the kitchen, i notice how well the rooms are lighted. It somehow made a cozy feel to it. We sit down at the table, sipping tea. I've never liked tea. I hate it, but out of respect, i harden my face and endure it.
Slight moments after:
Me: "You look grim, are you OK?"
She"(Surprised, since she wasn't aware of her own emotions), oh, um...--"
Me:"--I guess the answer is obvious. (takes a deep breath, sighs and gives a determined look), Is there any way i can help?"
She:" (Sulks), I, uh... used to live with a boy. He was like a big brother to me. A week ago, he disappeared. When i tried asking others, if they know anything of him, it's like they didn't even know him!"

For a brief moment, a picture flashes through in my mind. A boy around age of 18. I couldn't tell what he looked like, but it felt like a "setting sun". It was calming. When i analyzed around the house, it was indeed like no one else had lived here. I couldn't pick up on anything else either.

Me:"Did he say anything before his disappearance? Or told what he was going to do?"
She:" "I'll bury my feelings under the feet of all whom are who are bound by this place" "
Me:"That's obvious! The sandbox! I'll--"
She"--I searched it! Nothing was there!"
Me:"Perhaps not deep enough? Like a wise man once said:"Throwing a net over all oceans, doesn't mean you'll get all the fish".
I shall try digging deeper."
I grab a shovel and hurry onto the sandbox.

After a while of digging, i find some things. 4 tall things wrapped in Christmas wrapping and a red marker. As i turn around and step out of the sandbox, she's there, waiting eagerly.
She:"Did you-- You found something?!"
As she approaches me, i open my hands and watch as her eyes widen in amazement. She quickly grasps the red marker which had also piqued my interest. Her head falls down as she's squeezing it close to her chest, tears begin to fall. I'm confused, yet somewhat relieved. Perhaps it was the thought of hers, that he did in fact exist, that he did not "disappear". Perhaps, i was just relieved to see someone happy.

// Dream cuts off, i wake up.

Damn it, i still ended up describing it too much. What am i, writing a book? *sighs*
(I remember every dream at ridiculous detail. I'm just too lazy to write it all down, and i doubt anyone has the time to read this nonesense. It would go at least 2x the length of it).

5. Randomness...

 It was fairly wacky dream. There was some story before it (I'm NOT going to be writing that nonsense). Something about a dream where 3 of us were running away from 2 dogs. For some reason, the dogs hated fireworks (you know, those crackling ones'?), so we thew those for distraction. They always found us, though, it was fun nonetheless.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Update of 9.06.2014

Estonian exam was easier than i thought (even though i still do not know my grade). I picked as topic "Internet and it's dangers". It was fairly easy to keep going. I hope i at least get a '3'.

Last evening, i had a memory black out. I was listening to OBE binaural beats, the next thing i know is "when did i take my headphones off? I never did that...". They weren't randomly thrown or fallen off. They were specifically set aside. The binaural beats itself were still playing. How strange.

I brought chopsticks today. I've never used them before, but they were suprisingly easy to use. Ate a cup of mashed potatoes (ones, you just add water and it's ready). I like chopsticks already. They are different -- a good different.

Had some strange dream, cannot remember, yet it wants to recall itself. Do not have enough links to recall it.

Started growing a salt crystal. When i tried to use a normal crystal, it simply won't start growing. It's like it wants the one that has been hand-grown. Hmm...

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Update of 7.06.2014

Went over all of CSS and HTML since some things kept screwing up (childs, classes, id's etc). Now, started learning jQuery which is still a bit of a mindfuck to me. I understand the main part, but i still manage to screw up the action part, for example:

//If document == ready do following:
$(document).ready(function() {
// Variables
   $button = $('#btn');
   $element = $('#element');
//if button pressed make...
      $ {
element fadeout slowly.

I have no clue if this even works. What i'm trying to tell, is that double (or more) functions f' up my logic.

All the physical stuff has gone down for now. Phew -- finally, a calm moment.

Have had A LOT of dreams. Today was a bit different since i had a lucid one. A book somewhat "woke" me up. As ironic as it sounded, the book was called "Ancient ways of Lucid dreaming". It was fairly new. Browsed through it quickly... lost interest fairly fast. Put it back in the secret chest i found from. While attempting to read, i tried to mediate my consciousness so i wouldn't wake up nor lose it at all.
The rest of the dream, i managed to retain portion of my awareness. There was some sort of uprising. Fairly high altitude place. Sun shining. People were carrying guns.
One person was swapping guns for other stuff (since there was no money in use due to the uprise). The place felt completely different. It felt kinda "heaven-ly" like.

When i saw a man nick a gun from the market guy (without him seeing), i decided that i should too. I got caught and rockets started flying from all over the place. Nearly escaped alive.

Due to lucidity, i remember the environment fairly precicely (i don't like using lucidity -- It's much more fun to just be and see where it takes you). Though, i did learn a new thing thanks to it. In the dream, i concentrated on the energy emitted from a body. It blocked out most of my normal vision, but made energy completely visible. I was emitting a stream of yellow-ish white energy from my fingertips. It was pretty cool.
Though, trying it out in reality didn't work out that well, but there certainly was different "waves" that i haven't noticed as vividly as before.

What i did in the dream was: concentrate on the "disruptions" in air (think like heat waves), then kept focusing on seeing them more until it took on form and color.

As for other dreams... they are fairly ... weird. Abstract. That's the best answer i can come up with.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Death dream becoming true?

Lately, my body has decided to find ways to simply go "kaputt". Now my digestive system is so fucked. Started last night, wanted to vomit. Felt like stomach acids were ridiculous high. Drank half glass of milk. Seemed to sooth it down. It's night again, and it feels like it's trying to repeat itself. There's this unsetling feeling. Kinda sightly pains.

That reminded me of a dream that i had long ago. It was somewhere green, vines were hanging. I'm looking at a grave. Without a body, i cry. I'm unsure over whom i cried of. But when i told that to my mom (years ago), i said that it was myself. That i had died.

I don't really have anything against death, but it's sad to see other people sad, so i want nobody to remember me. This world has more than enough grief and sorrow as it already is.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Update: Physics exam -- passed succesfully!

To tell the truth, this was actually the biggest concern to me. It was a lot easier than i expected. Got a 5 (not sure, but i think he said 45 points out of 47. Didn't hear well). Well, that's that. Now the next one will be Estonian and Biology.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Let the new ORMUS tests commence!

First results! My theory (shaleoil -> ORMUS) seems to have produced ORMUS-like ... *stuff*. I'm still waiting for it to settle down for 2-nd wash.
I have a question, though. This will be directed at Sussch, of course. :D

1. If you made ORMUS, did your's look kinda cloudy as well? I got the same result this and last year:


The bottom layer seems to be much whiter than the layer above it. Probably impurities.