
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Dream logs: Asylum and Can't control my powers

I clearly remember the dream where i was wanted to up to the asylum. The clearest moment is where i ran around a table, away from a doctor. We were laughing, in a very joy-ous (happy) mood. She said: "You must really like being insane" to which i replied:"Then you must really like your job". (She likes "insane" people, i like being "insane". Then again, define insane and it only means thinking differently than others).

Later that night, i remember a dream where i hide underneath my blanket, try to control myself, but can't. Someone was creating things using my abilities, and there was nothing i could do. I tried my best, nothing. The inability to control my powers, lead to great disasters.


General log:

Coming home from the shop with my mom, it was quite dark already. I noticed the street lamp right in front of our house was dead again (which i tried to kill months ago, but had no visible success... except slight pulsing). I shouted it out. She then told me it went off months ago. I let out a quiet laugh. She asked why i laughed. I explained that the more you train with similar objects, the easier it is to create a connection to objects. Once made, it becomes part of you and has effects to it even if not consciously trying to do it. Then she said this:" Then if you are so powerful, heal my pains". I said:"I'm not powerful at all, in fact. It's just a matter of concentration. Either way, i don't want to... yet. I haven't tried healing other people, nor can detect the origin of the pain".

Another weird thing was that i saw "duplicates" today, at school. It was math lesson, saw some of my classmates sitting outside. Went inside, they were there. I could still hear the voices come from outside though.
Oh, and at the first lesson today, entering the school, i came across a person who seemingly was identical to certain someone whom i speak through facebook, from England. I held the door open and both of us were like telepathically speaking:"No, go ahead, i got time." "No, no. I'm good too." That went on for at least 4-5 seconds until i gave her the gesture of "go ahead". It's either that the ethics (i don't follow them) have fallen to the floor or she was just scared of me lol. Either way, it was awkward just standing there, neither of us budging to move. :P

1 comment:

  1. Duplicates? That's really weird.. and suspicious.

    You can heal your Mom, but that's just fixing the consequences. She has to fix the cause herself.

    Otherwise it'll be just like when a random man had me heal his lungs (damaged by all that smoking), after which he walked outside, stretched, breathed some fresh air .. and enjoyed another cigarette.
