
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Dreams and geisting

I was just watching "Night Head Genesis" ... not sure what episode (around 11 or so). It's about people with powers with pretty much the same society like we have right now (even if you prove it, they find excuses). Just after Naoto blows windows, along with the enemies who control other people, out of the building, his brother Naoya senses that the building they were sent to as kids, was on fire. At that point, my touch pad went nuts again. It froze and had noise as sound. Force a restart and hope everything's OK. It was.

Lately, i've been getting the feeling as i could learn whatever i want, meanwhile a week ago or so, my mind really rejected that thought. The pains have as well gone down (though i still experience them at cold mornings... not sure why. Somehow linked to it)

Standing in the line at school cafeteria, i was waiting to get my food. There were cups. I was really sure i could move them, and probably could have if i had concentrated for long enough. The PK timings are real bad.

Dreams have been bit weird. Can't exactly remember all of them. Gonna have to start improving my awareness again.
From one dream, i remember digging up the sand-pit (that our neighbors use), finding lots of ancient things. I remember finding some plastic bags (mainly chips), that were from around 1960. I said:"Oh, those are mine. I used to eat them.". Somehow it made sense to me, even knowing, i hadn't been born before 1995.
Dream follows onto a basement where i remember sensing people, but not seeing them. I think it was some sort of a bunker. It was dark but i saw boxes of stuff. From there on, onto another dream, where i remember seeing, or rather should i say, being in some kind of a facility. It was huge, rather well lit. It was some sort of testing facility. I remember seeing pods that looked like straight out of a movie. There was something to do with a small girl too. I'm not sure what. From that point, the dream got random. I took up a game menu and pressed "Exit" and the dream ended.

P.S. These error messages about "saving the document" are really annoying. Wonder what's up with that.

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