
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Dream log: Faint

After some biofield and syncroncity training yesterday (flame), i did white skeletal meditation. Lots of vivid images. When i tried to see em', i got kicked out.
Attempted OBE, turned to side.
In a dream, i am at school, watching my friend play "Dead Island". I said "Stop, there's a guy behind there". He asked "Where?".Suddenly I started to lose consciousness -- my body felt so tired. I wanted to say:"Call help" but i couldn't say a word. "This is how it feels like, huh?", i said in my mind. Vision going darker by the second, i took up my will and fought it. I slowly regained control over my body. Woke up from the dream with thirst. Took a zip of cola that i keep next to my bed (since i wake up often at night). Back to sleep. Wake up again, feeling cold. Managed to fall asleep. After a while, woke up again due to the same problem.
I don't usually get cold. My feet and hands are ice cold all the time, yet it doesn't bother me. Wonder what that was about.

Also, mom asked our family doctor today about my heart. She said that i might have 3-rd heart beat. Can't say if it's true or not. The medicine that i was given, makes me feel ill. "Metaprolool", that's what it consists. Doesn't seem to work not one bit at all.

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