
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Dream log: The message

I've been meaning to write this one, but always forgot.

I saw this 2 night ago.
The dream takes in a place quite unknown to me, but i recognized it as a school building. I am in a room, where my former classmates and new ones are. I was about to witness something quite disgusting.
The two former classmates were fed up about something. They decided to send a message, a cruesome message. One of them (also a childhood friend to me) took a thin metal string, wound it around his tongue and started to cut it off. Considering everything, i doubt he would do anything like that. I couldn't stand the view. Turned away, where two of the other classmates (new) were trying to distract themslves by teasing and seducing me. I stood silent, waiting it to be over. Once it was over, the other former classmate took a blender, started it up and reached his tongue to it. For some reason, i was capable of watching it.

After all of it, i asked him why he did it. I can't remember an exact reply, but he said something about how the school is deceiving us. I wanted to say:"Wouldn't it be easier to get a dead pig's tongue?". I got no response.

It was an odd dream. That's all i can say.

Also, i remember funny reaction from myself last night. I was attempting OBE, but managed to fall into some sort of state where i wasn't asleep, not fully conscious, but remember things. Woke up from it, the first thing i said:"Damn... this is really tiring, you know?" (referring to the state). I understood that i need to become even more aware. The state was correct, i just couldn't stay awake.
Also, my body hurt (as in numb pain) from SP. It hasn't done that in a while.

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