
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Update of 13 Nov

Well, i've failed every single OBE now. Seems sleeping a few hours before going to sleep again works.

Been training PK a little, mainly concentration. Staring at candle flame and forgetting all thoughts, burning away all impurities and blockades.

"It doesn't matter what happens outside; What does matter, is what goes on in your mind... the inner-world. The outer world can be changed, once one's inner world is in balance". I've been thinking this sentence for a while now. Seems to make sense.

Last night, i was trying to see in pretty much pitch dark, trying to amplify all light sources. Later got some pretty strong constant tunnel effect. It felt as i was wearing some kind of night vision goggles.

At shop today, i was thinking of attempting to somehow influence the lottery chance. It was only a brief thought, tried and then came my turn to pay. "One Euro Jackpot, please", i said. The machine malfunctioned, saying there is no paper left. I didn't move since they called someone to fix it. It was my mom's friend, whom they called. She opened it and there still was paper in it. Closed it, worked again.

There's something i never quite understood. Everyone speaks of this "unconditional love", nearly as if it were a new religion. Truth be told, i find it stupid. Here's my understanding of it: You love everyone. I think the "love" part is wrong. I do not love a random person. Sure, i do kind deeds to them, but it's just.... no. Love in my dictionary is something different. It's something only for VERY close people. I mean  for lover, mainly.
I simply cannot go with this new generation hippy crap. Just because there's light in the dark, doesn't mean that's your only opinion, right? It's just like moth is attracted to the fire in the dark. Why not BE the balance of both of them?

Dream log: Using PK with touch screen

This is was just a scene from my dream. We were somewhere in a forest, standing near a picnic table. It was night time, yet the area was rather well lit. Soon one of my mom's friends starts talking. "You know, the Windows ** you installed is so slow and it keeps crashing, not to even talk of the bugs", he boasts "It's a complete piece of junk! Where did you even get it?". I immidiately raise my middle finger and say "Just go and fuck yourself, K?" I walk away frustrated. (I hate egoisting people. They act if they know everything, but can't do anything)
Sitting on the grass, thinking to myself:"...It was still in beta, anyways.". Then i look at a huge screen, raise my hand and start browsing it as if i were touching a touch screen. Someone interrupted me, i forgot how i did it. I touched the screen as i normally did, then tried to use PK. I couldn't get any feedback, but i tried to imitate it. It worked (even tho there was quite the while since i got it to work).


  1. Love is another word that has lost its meaning. Nowadays it means everything.

    Let's assume that love means a connection with resonance of sorts .. within the scope of this comment.

    By learning to love everything, one becomes interconnected and in resonance with everything (strong empathic link, or shared consciousness in other words).

    The information from this aforementioned connection is what allows one to see everything clearly for what they really are (without prejudice and all those labels that the society uses to manipulate with its members).

    From this perspective, by not sharing consciousness with objects and other people, one would be ignorant of the flow of information from and to them. The flow of information (which is energy) is always there .. but it can be blocked. This is what also causes pain in the heart chakra or chest area.

    Love and peace!

    1. ... I still think 'love' is a wrong word. It doesn't resonate with my heart chakra (all it does is create a very weak soft/warm feeling. 'Peace' is stronger). There has to be a word that would sum all this "Love and peace" up. Something universal for all languages. To find heart frequency then to find/think of a word that resonates within those limits.

      (Here I wanted to say something how we already are connected and how they affect us back but cannot find enough words to make it brief, so i'm writing this.)

      And for some reason, that "love and peace" really, REALLY annoys me (burning sensation in heart chakra, negative form). It's like people are rewriting the words with their emotions. Btw, ain't 'love' and 'peace' technically the same?

      (There should be something like Japanese have for love. Aishiteru, Koishiteru, daisuki.)
