
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Update: 21 Nov. 2013

I'm losing self-awareness. I can't remember dreams clearly. Must start doing constant reality checks.

Meditated... nearly fell asleep many times (and almost fell of the chair). Did some pranayama which made me totally thoughtless. Built up some cold, soothing psi around my arms (cold is the easiest for me to control and recall). Tried creating stronger connection to everything... managed to lose the thought in a few minutes.

Have been trying to move ping-pong ball from time to time (non-constant), the next morning had an instant dream where i was doing the same (and some other things) successfully. Should invest some anime time into PK, don't feel like watching anything any time soon, either.

RV. Seeing through eyelids has become rather easy (but can't get the result if doing something else). Tried walking up the stairs... the image was too weak, but still managed to get to my door. Also, today, riding the bus home, it was somewhat interesting to sense how the light from street lights went over your head to back.

It was rather foggy today. I've been trying to overlay a memory with reality. Sadly, did not work. Even though, in my mind's eye, i knew where things are, it didn't override normal vision.

OBE.... I don't know about it. Can't exactly remember. But i do remember seeing our dead dog by my doorway (white fur, brown eyes, slightly lifted ears as in interested in something). Yelled to my mom (in other room), saying "Dog's home!" "What? Dog's lost? (Mom)" "No, Dog's HOME (me)" ... "I think you should turn on the light (Mom)...".
I thought it to be funny, meanwhile i could hear some fear in her voice. I don't get it, why everyone thinks death is such a horrible thing. It's like people can't think outside their box. To them, death is seizing to exist.

I think people should remember this:
"What you believe to be true, your mind will do."

(Under 'mind', i mean subconscious. It's the decision you would make if you have no choice. In a dream, you act according to it... unless you are awake that is. In extreme conditions, as well.)

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps they don't think that death is a horrible thing, but rather that it's irreversible.

    A form of comfort that it's finally over. Thus, something defying the "law of death" is often found to be unnerving.

    I guess in the morning I also saw a dog. Have been watching too much SG-1 recently. So, we hid from the goauld'. I entered a manhole, under which there was a cave. It was small and I had no tools to dig it at first. Visualized tools for me. Visualized the cave being very large. Moved around and found an exit - bluish white light was shining down a stairway of hard rock that had engravings on it. A dog stepped down and came to me. Not sure if it was Pätu or not .. it looked old. Last time I saw Pätu being very happy while spending time in a real colorful astral environment.

    Father also takes his brother dying a bit too seriously in my opinion. The medical system is so afraid of tumors that they refuse to treat him. "This guy is pretty much dead, get him out of here!" Also, the usual treatment is not designed to make people well .. on the contrary - it is designed to earn money for the medicine industry.
