
Sunday, November 17, 2013

OBE: Making some progress again + Some weird stories


Something different has started happening lately. At first, when i get images and look at them, they are stable for a moment, then suddenly they de-stabilize and i get a black screen. Soon after, another image appears much more vivid and it feels as if you are really in that world and then the same happens again. It de-stabilizes suddenly. This happens a couple of times, but later on, i have a complete block. I try to materialize/stabilize the images and place, try sending my consciousness but nothing. It fades away.

The usual what i imagine would be: My grandma's house. To the left is forest, a small lake. To the right there is a small plown land and further as far as you can see is a green land. In front, there is an old house, it's falling apart, made of wood. Fences are rusting. Windows broken. Behind there's a small sauna. It hasn't been used for years. It's made of stone bricks.


I don't know why, but every time i imagine that, i get a bit scared. It has always been like that. Even when i went there, at first, i felt fear. Later on, i forgot about it. It always had felt like something was off about it. Especially the forest behind the house. I didn't even wanna look at it. We usually went to visit her each month or so (she lived only with her dog). She seemed fine. One day at summer, when i was searching through the house, i found behind a locked door in a drawer, a thermometer. When i went to show it to my mom and dad, her reaction suddenly went totally off. She started yelling at me for no reason. I had been to that locked room for several times and had taken to show multiple things, yet that somehow affected her. She wasn't someone agressive or anything. It was like an outburst of anger (or maybe fear) out of nowhere. I started crying (even tho i was rather old). Dad argued with her (her mother) for a while. She had even cried. It striked me odd. Sure, it was wrong of me to go through someone's house, but such reaction out of nowhere? And also her crying? It's like she regretted it.
A month passes. We go back. While going through the stuff again (it's like something pulled me into it), i overheard a weird conversation. The conversation was rather normal, when suddenly she mentions some secret agents giving her orders, that she is being watched. She had no phone, nor a computer... not to even mention electricity. My parents instantly labeled her as crazy, i did not. I knew something was off about this place. I was afraid to even go to the second floor. It felt as i was always being watched. I know my other grandma scared me that there are monsters in the dark (which might have triggered this "paranoia"), but this was completely something different. The only place i felt better was outside. And what's even weirder, she was fine a few months ago. It's like she had snapped or something. A few months later, her dog died. She had been over feeding her, but as i remember, the dog was only 8 years old. Months went by... suddenly, she died. It was winter. She had frozen solid and mice had eaten from his finger and eyeball. I wasn't allowed to go, mom can't take such things so dad only went. Afterwards, we cremated her... ... ... and til this day, the ashes still sit in the big closet in my bed room (the closet is at most 2m away from me, it's kinda been nerving me, even though my mom keeps repeating "she's reduced to ashes, she no longer exists". I think she's scared that i might prove her otherwise. Even when i bring up the topic of OBE, she does everything to avoid it. When i ask "why?", she says that she is afraid of the unknown and would rather stay blind towards it.).

My dad has told some other stories about that place too.... i'm not sure if they are true or not.
He claimed, that his dad had buried a gun somewhere near where a fence used to be on the garden. It was supposedly stored in a special way. Sand, cartong, cotton, box, cotton, cartong, soil. Grandma (before she went nutty) claimed that she had dug up some sand in the garden. She was unsure where exactly. Never found it. I attempted to dig it up using by sending energy waves through earth, to see if there's something different in there. All i found was a bottle cap and some wires.

A story he had also told was that somewhere on top of a hill, near a house was supposedly hidden a box of jewels from world war 1. I knew where the house was located (well, it had fallen apart), but never got to go there. We rarely went near that region (even though there was a nice environment, pure water etc). I actually wanted to go scan that area, but for some reason, everyone stayed away from there. Either way, PK treasure hunt would be so cool.

I'm gonna stop this story for now before i get nightmares. Way too many weird coincidenses.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! That's something really mysterious going on in there.

    Maybe there's an Orochimaru lab in the basement or something? ;)
    I wonder if there's any truth to the stories of cloning. I've heard clones tend to snap and die suddenly.

    Was your grandma also psychokinetic, geisty or something?

    Uhm .. the ashes in your room? I wonder why.

    \me rubs hands together. Really interesting stuff.. =)

    I've also dreamt of going PK treasure hunting sometimes. So far I've only used it as a last resort to locate objects that I need to find. This still needs a lot of practice..
