
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Dream steps

I've been rather unaware today. Low energy state and even meditation didn't help much. I did somewhat get the heat at base chakra to move a bit.

At afternoon i decided to take a nap (originally, i wanted to do OBE). I tried mediating my awareness so i would stay awake, yet get hypnogogia and there on to lucid dreams. Soon i was overcome by weird experience. It felt as i would jump down the stairs to unconscious. I felt each step as my body would fall and stop. Each step felt as it was consuming me. I took a few more steps and then i don't remember anything anymore... until i realized that i saw an awesome scenery i wanted to take a picture, ran up the stairs to get a camera, about to take a picture...... it was broken. I realized that i was in a dream but it was so darn frustrating! The sun was surrounded by thin thick clouds as if it was an eye. You know... like an eye's iris. It truly was amazing sight (at a point, i remember drawing a few thin clouds, i drew the clouds directly into the sky. Freaking awesome. But when i attempted to do it again.... fail. Grr, like what the hell. I just did it a few moments ago. :D)

But yeah, taking the steps was amazing. It was as if you fell into yourself.

(This one actually came shorter... yay! :P )

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