
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Dream: Flying around and small PK contest

I always lack 2 things. Confidence and self-esteem. Even if i pull something off, i feel like it was usual.
Today, (i can't specifically recall where the dream started but...) i was attempting to fly because the distance by walking would take too long. As usual, i started jumping and then smoothly levitated down. Soon enough i got the feeling of it, concentrated only on it and finally started flying! Tho the faster i wanted to go, the higher i went... and i don't really like the falling experiences. I successfully flew to my location (first time ever that it was flying, not really high jumps). There still was time so i jumped on top of a building and slowly levitated down several times because it was so much fun.
I finally proceeded inside where i met a girl. She wanted to have a contest with me since i was the only one who could do PK there. I can't remember the first part, but second one was PK miniature football. You had to move the goal and ball around. Of course, we each had our own ball. It was funny because we constantly kept running around the table with our balls and goals. I finally managed to score and that was it it seemed. I had won the contest. The price was Minecraft CD, which she really wanted. I gave it to her because i had no interest in it. Either way, i had already played it. Both of us were happy, so i guess this story ended well.

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