
Sunday, August 18, 2013

Dream log: Mind music is awesome!

I'm not entirely sure if the music was from TV or something. It was kinda "opera"-ish (probably mom or someone watching music channels again). In my dream i altered it into awesome song. It was so awesome that it nearly awakened me (as in OBE, and it did generate OBE vibes).
Man, i wish i would've memorized how it sounded. All i remember is the metal part (what i created).

If i could recreate it in conscious state of mind, i would listen to every song and alter it in my mind. :D

(Me <-- Metal and Rock fan.)

(I've been capable of speaking in my mind, as in hearing it clearly in my mind, and a few times created music, but i can't remember any >.<  -- These were in OBE/Meditative state too.)


  1. I've also created music there, though, it has been too difficult for me to replicate it here. It's the same with drawing, 3d modelling, programming, electronics, pk and spiritualism. There's always this physical interface (brain, body peripherals, mouse, keyboard) that makes it remarkably more difficult than it actually is.

    1. I agree. But it would be fascinating to replicate senses according to memory. I believe there has been invented a piano, that you can play just by thinking the sounds.
      It would be interesting if you could imagine a picture and computer draws it. From that you could move onto making videos and recording dreams.

    2. I've tried to do it, but haven't succeeded yet.

      Hmm .. perhaps I should use a genuine random instead of that pseudo. This might be easier to manipulate with, via pk.

      An EEG might be nice, too. To try to create brainwave patterns, which would then be interpreted by software one way or another.
