
Friday, August 2, 2013

Physical log: More changes

About 2 hours ago, my mom brought the heart rate meter from the neighbours. She has a above normal heart rate but today i totally destroyed every limit so far.

My heart went 170 on normal conditions. No physical, no nothing. I felt very energetic and constantly felt as my hair would stand upwards. Kinda like in DBZ. I felt suddenly SO energetic but calm. My hands were shaking a little. It reminded me of Nina Kulagina who was capable of pushing her heart rate above 200 while doing PK. Either way, it helped me convince them that i'm not normal. So, soon i'll be going to heart doctor. (Laughs), this is gonna be fun.

Also a weird thing that i noted. I eat a lot, out comes nearly nothing. I do have slight stomach aches, but what the hell! Do i have black hole inside me or what?

1 comment:

  1. Haha :D I also eat a lot .. it doesn't produce any fat, but builds up psi, strength and stamina.
