
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Physical: Success.

Everything went exactly according to the plan. Keikaku doori! ;)

I'm capable of influencing my heart rate about 50% up or down by use of breath. Take a deep breath and let it out and instantly drops but also rises the equivelant amount.

So, now i'm going to the Rakvere on 26-th to get my heart patterns checked. One whole day. Hmm... I wonder if i have to stay at the hospital? Oh i would love that. Mwhahaha, let's mess up the patterns even further! I'll be doing PK (when i do it, my heart rate varies from 60 to over 200). This is gonna be fun!


  1. Would you really love that?

    I didn't. While I was in hospital for pneumonia, they tested various drugs on me, then took blood tests to see how my liver had reacted. Not nice and not very pk friendly because of all the drugs inhibiting the flow of psi. Healing took a lot longer because of this. Also had to do nothing for a long time.

    1. Actually, yes.

      The fun part is that you have nothing to do. There are other patients and it's fun to experiment with them. Use PK for various things (i didn't realize that when i was at hospital... damn).

      Most times when i've been to the hospital, they haven't been using me as a guinea pig. And even if they would, they'd have to use some real concentrated stuff. I'm very resistant to all kinds of drugs.

    2. Still, all those drugs tends to reduce the effect of pk. Managed to practice OBE, empathy and telepathy a lot, tho.

      According to what they said, my liver was rather sensitive to drugs. The liver of a drunkard or a smokard is usually more resistant.
