
Friday, August 2, 2013

Dream log: I'm freaking high on drugs!

This was one of the most fun and weirdest dreams i've had. I will not tell the whole dream. The back story to it is that i went to a company who secretly "sells" (they gave me about 2 Kg of the drug for free) this weird drug. I was strictly told NOT TO TALK ABOUT THIS TO ANYONE (guess i just broke my promise lol).
This is where the real part comes in. I was at home, I decided to try it (remember that drugs don't cause addiction, it's the feelings that do). I took a small pinch and put it on my tongue. I walk around and suddenly it kicks in. It felt really like OBE vibrations at really intense levels. I felt being half the way out of body, could see energy fields clearly. At first it made me dizzy. It was really amazing. It lasted about 30-40 sec at most (the amount i took was less than 1g).

I wonder if it was some kind of OBE drug? It literally felt as you were 3m high, watching down on people. The colors were really intense as well.

What bugs me is that, what if drugs aren't actually "bad", that it's just a conspiracy to keep people from achieving something higher? And technically, aren't we already addicted to certain things? Then how are drugs worse?

Questions, questions and no answers.

(Nothing causes addiction if you are capable of controlling yourself. The thing that causes addiction is the feeling wanting to repeat the experience. Drug is just a tool for forcing mind state change.)

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