
Monday, April 28, 2014

Demons? I don't care.

It's funny how all the supernatural follow the rule "If i allow, you can".

Finished listening to C2CAM's "A deadly haunting". Pretty interesting. Unnerving too. But stubborn as i am, i took a mirror, drew the symbol mentioned in that show and wrote my terms of exchange:"I will give you energy, in exchange, you will teach me things i want. The value will be negotiated". To tell the truth, i don't care if it's a demon, a god or who not. If he/she can teach me things i want, I'm willing to negotiate. The moment it turns on me, it's his doom.

It's funny, since I've become so used to living with entities. There's constantly something moving from the corner of the eye. Though, a rule applies:" Good or evil -- doesn't matter. If you attack anyone here, i will deal with you personally. This is neutral ground and we live here harmoniously together".

1 comment:

  1. I guess the difference whether it's a demon or not, could come from the method that is used for relaying the teachings. What you might consider an attack, might actually be the transfer of information. That is, unless we pay attention, we have thick shields set up around us for protection. In order to deliver info through that, one would have to pierce the shields somehow.
