
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

OBE: A night without sleep

Good thing is, that i'm starting to get it. Last night i was stopping myself with analyzing it. When the vibes came, i tried to memorize what it feels like. Nothing much to be said, though. Simply being thoughtless causes vibes. Probably the best technique to go with, too.
There's another annoying thing. This state between OBE and sleep. It's just simply like a dim light being shined onto you (when there is none). Generating pictures and other stuff is easy, yet they are very unstable at first.
During this state, someone said "hey" and i jumped half-ly out. Not sure who wanted what.

Since i get into this state once, i cannot sleep anymore. I'd have to wake up, do something for a while, then go back to sleep (kinda like resetting the cycle). So the night went by seeing all kinds of crap. Strangely, i'm not that tired.

...also, i didn't get tired from the numbness that quick. Usually, i can't take more that 40 min in same position. Last night i was clearly over an hour.



I remember a little about some dreams i saw.

Dream log: Alone again and killed.

I'm not sure where the dreams took place. It was totally different. I was with a woman, not sure who she was, but i felt as i knew her for a long time. I mean REALLY long. I'm not sure if she was even alive.
The place, where we went was near an ocean. It was sunny. We went to a bunker-like place. Something was generating electricity there (hydro-powered plant?), long lightning arcs were constantly flying from near the gears. It looked abandoned. We left, it was night.
Years later, alone, i came back to it. It was winter. Fairly windy. It was still dark, street lamps on. The environment reminded me of one of those anime styled villages. A couple of people were walking by. I sighed, and walked to where we used to be. I was sad. Missing that person. As i took one step nearer the gears where sparks fly off, everything starts to go nuts. Everything starts to fall apart. I try running to the door that i came from... locked? How? Someone trying to kill me? Damn. I approach a wall, take my last look at all the madness that is going on and press my palm against the wall. I created a portal to another place. I step through... wait what? Sunny? The same place? What happened? Everything seems to be stopped. Did i time-travel to future? I exit through the door. It's sunny indeed. Everything still seems like it used to be, yet i see no people.

At some point, i get hunted down. Mafia or something. I get shot to the heart and then to the head. I even remember asking myself:"Am i dead? *Sighs*... No. How many times have i "died" already? ...Too many to count".

//Dream ends//

Funny thing is that i've died countless times in my dreams. You just get used to it, but that's not it. It feels like the people i care are always dying around me, yet never me. Am i really doomed to watch everyone around me die?

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