
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Update of 24.04.2014

This is actually true! Much is remolded by our fear. By our false-judgement.

Here's a point from an anime:
(PS. She's a ghost)

School stuff:

Localhost page broke somehow. Had to rewrite the whole damn thing since i didn't find the problem. -_-

Now i got to think of a way to make <a href> use word scramble. Use Onclick to somehow load JS file that prompts input and alerts out? (Shrugs)

Also, funny thing. Our homeroom teacher came specifically to speak with me (due to missing school). I can't go around saying what actually goes on in the other, major part of me. I simply don't want to cause any uprage or attention towards myself. I hate attention. The homeroom teacher "jokingly" said that i put a curse on her to fall sick. I have no reason to do so. Even so, the whole being "witch" thing has gone over the whole school already. Goddamn you, handicapped friend. Just because i "accidentally" predict things and tell them to you doesn't mean i have some huge godlike powers that everyone can start blaming me for their misfortune. To me, clairvoyance is just a form of a part of higher information management.

Slept into first lesson again. Way too tired. The night was beau-- I get this annoying feeling as reality collapses and things are set into scene as they were. I can clearly see it in my minds eye. Annoying. Either way, I prefer night over day. That's why i'm tired.


Other stuff:

Installed compiz on Kali without screwing up, yay! Actually works too. Last time i tried, i screwed up bad. Managed to somehow break Gnome DE. Got no clue how i managed that.

I should really start replying on Sussch's posts and comments. Can't help but forget all the damn time. REMEMBER, damnit.

Also, "Be'lakor" makes pretty good music. I dunno. I like it.

1 comment:

  1. "I should really start replying on Sussch's posts and comments. Can't help but forget all the damn time. REMEMBER, damnit."

    No worries, there's no obligation .. :)
