
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Update of 10.04.2014

Had an awesome dream. Could manipulate water and fire, but mainly water. Created water ball, then generated a construct that would hold the other layer together. Handed it to other people. When it broke, i reached out my hand and the water would levitate up in streams. I did generate a fireball but i discharged it myself.
Usually, i lose all the abilities when the dream is about to end. In this i didn't (even though i was really near it, i managed to still pull it off).

Did have a strange dream aside it. Me, a former classmate (who i had crush on in elementary school) and someone else were playing together in snow. We never actually were friends (since i was the "weird". I used to cry a lot too and was bullied for it for the rest of my school days). Though, i do remember a moment, w-- ... damn. I now cought up with myself.
True, i was bullied. But there was a point of time where we had fun. Me, the girl (former classmate) and boy (also former classmate) once played tag at a late evening summer. Everything was great, but i still felt like i had no chance with her. I felt being left out. As i wasn't even there. It was pretty painful. The same pretty much happened in the dream. She did ask me to come over, but i still felt the same as i did back then.

Aside from dreams, did some random pentesting (mainly mysql) on random webpages. Managed to gain access to one website's database. It had all passwords and emails with no encryption what-so-ever. Sent an email to the creator with what mistakes he has made with proof that i had gained access to his database.

Did some drawing yesterday. Trying to think of a way to simplyfy the creation of hands. Nothing much really. It's easier to draw in "model-grid" than randomly from head, that's for sure.

Sunday will be first day for planting saplings. Cool. They started earlier than i expected. That's all the better for me. Then again, they said they weren't sure how far it is. Hmmh... dang.

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