Last night, did some random explorin' in the deep web. My kind-of place. So much random information. Should be careful however. I did end up in the dark-net for a while. There's certainly some 'stuff' there. What makes me laugh, is the fact people are completely oblivious towards all of it.
Nonetheless, I have a good sense that there's some sort of information that might prove to be an interesting case for research (zero-point etc, and using "etc" because I have absolutely no idea what else to bring out, probably stuff like ORMUS).
Dreams have been varying from dark to normal. Last last night, i got taunted by my own desires, This time no one allowed me to jump up to the roofs of buildings and down. What a party boofer. I did it anyways lol.
... and we are currently getting hail here.
EDIT (1.06.2015):
So goddamn bored. also, I've suddenly got better at drawing hands. Last time I tried, I could only draw them from side or front, but now, I've forgotten how to draw eyes. (sighs), I should put some time into drawings, since now I can suddenly draw better for no apparent reason. Though the eye perspective is gonna be a b*tch.
Also, I curse my existence for not being capable of drawing. I mean, my father and grandmom were f*cking art geniuses. Grandmom was capable of drawing exact copy of something in one glance. Ehh, too bad I don't have to blood of an artist in my veins, though it does not matter. I can practically replicate others skills. Copy-cat skills FTW (too bad my motivation sits at 0 at all times).
(Screams internally for not being capable of drawing well)
Yeah. Remind me to never get bored. I do absolutely pointless crap.