
Monday, May 25, 2015

Not so difficult as I thought (25.05.2015)

A lot of rewriting and just playing around, and by now, I can understand pretty much all of what does what. Though, I did run into some problems with receiving input. Either i'm being dumb again or Qt and arduino don't want to work well together. Not gonna go into details, just gonna say that button didn't behave as should have.

There is still the problem of commands and variables. "const, from/toStdString, static" etc. Can't quite understand, and can't give a damn to go look up right now.

As for dreams and stuff like that, I remember having some, but cannot recall. Most of my dreams are 'dark'. Can't even recall any happy dreams, but soon is probably the usual time where my motivation hits ---infinity and I'll have to rely on loli's again. Has happened twice, All in for number 3.

Lately been feeling empty. Like empty empty. I do stuff because I just do them. Nothing really fascinates me, nothing disgusts me. (shrugs). An empty existence. (sarcastic) How great.
I've given it quite the much thought and I'm fairly sure that I'm one of those people who can't do thing without someone holding my hand and dragging forwards. Someone supportive, call it external motivation, if you will. Otherwise, give it 5 minutes and I'm doing something different. How do you think my coding went? All straight? (Sarcastic laughter). Code, anime, code, manga, code, 9gag, code, blog (post deleted) -- repeat. (sighs)... yeah. A weird existence, that's for sure.

1 comment:

  1. :D

    You could take up something impossible and finish it with passion, willpower and concentration.
