After sitting and trying to understand Qt, I'm finally starting to understand. 2 days straight with motivation like a roller-coaster. From arduino's coding, it feels like a slap across the face. Things do not function like they should, and I have no idea why. Funny thing is, that my problems are so obvious, that no one has the same problems (feeling dumb). I mean, finding the correct functions took me a while. I didn't get this working until right now...............
void MainWindow::on_horizontalSlider_valueChanged(int value){ ui->lcdNumber->display(value); }I'm only starting to understand thanks to the re-defining, referencing and simulating in my mind at night. Now it at least, feels like i'm not staring at a brick wall.
Edit (19:34):
With the use of pretty-much-copying off a video in youtube, I got it to work. Do I understand what most of the code does? Nope.
Well, if to be honest, I can understand glimpses of it. Initialization of serial ports, what controls what etc, but if I were to write this from the top of my head, I'd never make it.
How do I feel after all this? Absolutely not sure how to feel. Error: Brain was not found.
Wow =D
ReplyDeleteVery cool